Saturday, May 16, 2020

Vegan Sweet Potato Mac & Cheese

I love mac & cheese, one of the things I miss with a more vegan diet these days... Found this one and figured given all the ingredients it was worth a shot...


1 sweet potato, roasted
1/2 yellow onion
1 head garlic
1/4 c nutritional yeast
1/2 c almond or non-dairy milk
1 tsp salt
1/4 c tahini
1/2 tsp smoked paprika
3 tbsp lemon juice
12 oz pasta
bread crumbs

Roast the sweet potato until tender. In the meantime, cut the head off the garlic. Drizzle the garlic & onion with olive oil and wrap in foil; bake 25-30 minutes.

Combine all the sauce ingredients in a blender: sweet potato, onion, garlic (peeled), etc. Blend, and if it's too thick, add more milk.

Mix the sauce with the (cooked) pasta. You can top with breadcrumbs or any other favorite toppings!


I really liked this recipe, but I wasn't convinced I was eating mac & cheese - more of a sweet, somewhat cheesy pasta sauce. Overall pretty easy and tasty!

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