Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Crispy Carnitas


slightly adapted from Mark's Daily Apple:


3-4 lbs. boneless pork shoulder/butt, cut into 5 pieces
1 1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp chili powder
1 cinnamon stick
1 bay leaf
4 garlic cloves, thinly sliced
1 onion, sliced
water, for braising


Preheat oven to 350.
Mix together salt, cumin and chili powder and rub all over meat.
Place the meat in a large, heavy pot with cinnamon stick, bay leaf, garlic and onion (Ideally the pot is large enough so that the meat is in a single layer).
Add enough water to almost, but not entirely, cover the meat.
Put the pot in the oven, uncovered, and braise for 3 to 3 1/2 hours.  Stir the meat just a few times while it cooks.
You'll know the pork is done when it's really tender, slightly browned and most of the liquid is gone.
Shred or break up the meat with forks or your hands into the desired level of shredded-ness or chunkiness.
Remove the cinnamon stick and bay leaf from the pot.  Return the pot to the oven.
Roast the meat, mixing occasionally, until the meat is as dark and crispy as you like it.  (This process will go even faster if the meat is spread out on a roasting pan or baking sheet with any remaining liquid that was left in the pot.  If time is tight, you can also put the meat under a broiler.)


I cannot even begin to describe how delicious and succulent this is.

We used a bone-in pork butt, which we cut the bone out of and gave to the dog.  So everyone was happy.

We skipped the browning part at the end in favor of 
incredibly moist meat with just the outsides crispy--a fine option--and also cuz we wanted to consume it asap.

As this was the main dish of a Superbowl-themed meal, I served it with nachos (for the non-paleo eaters), homemade guac and sweet potato fries.


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