Saturday, May 27, 2017

Catfish Curry

Southern recipe via a Denver native and texted (back) to me from Boston...


1 lb catfish fillets
2 c water
1 onion, finely chopped
1 tbsp flour
1 tsp curry powder
1 tbsp butter

Cut your catfisth into 2" pieces, and plop in a saucepan with the water, onion, salt & pepper.  Bring to a boil and simmer 8-10 minutes, until the fish is cooked but not falling apart.  Remove the catfish and boil the water down to about a cup.

Meanwhile, combine the flour, curry, and butter.  If it forms a nice paste, great - roll it into tsp-ish balls and add gradually to the water (over low heat)  Otherwise, gradually add your powdery, gooey mix...  Simmer a few more minutes until it thickens into a gravy.

Serve over rice!


This impromptu recipe came out pretty well!  The fish pieces didn't fall apart while cooking, but they did shed some little morsels that mixed into the gravy very nicely.  It seems healthy enough on its own, contrary to soul food's reputation...  But I added a pour of frozen veggies while boiling down the water, and served with some avocado too:

Sausage & Balsamic Grapes

Grapes are part of at least one family favorite dinner recipe (is that Chicken Pesto up here somewhere).  So I thought this one from ATK was worth a try:


sweet Italian sausage (~1 1/2 lbs, or really as much as you want) - actual whole sausages!
1 lb seedless red grapes, halved
1 onion, sliced thin
1/4 c water
1/4 c white wine (dry)
1 tbsp fresh oregano, chopped
2 tsp balsamic vinegar
2 tsp fresh mint, chopped
vegetable oil, salt & pepper

Heat a tbsp or so of oil in a skillet over medium, then brown the sausages on 2 sides.  Drain some oil/fat (optional!) and add the onion and grapes around the sausage, and add the water and cover.  Cook the sausages (about 10 minutes), turning halfway through.  Remove the sausages, and heat things up, adding some salt & pepper.  Brown the onions / soften the grapes (a few minutes), then add the white wine and oregano.  Scrape up brown bits while reducing by about half.  Stir in vinegar and serve over your sausage.


I messed up the first try at this by getting bulk sausage - luckily plenty of ways to use that up too (i.e. an improvised grape Korvgryta).  The official recommendation is to serve with salad or polenta, but some mashed potatoes worked very nicely - soaked up some of the sweetness.  Overall a kind of classier, sweeter version of the sausage & peppers...