Sunday, April 7, 2013

Quick Coconut Chicken

I LOVE breaded, fried things.  ESPECIALLY breaded, fried chicken.  BUT--unfortunately--breaded, fried things are not good for one and are not allowed Paleo-wise.  The solution?  THIS:

The coconut flakes on the outside can crisp up nicely, giving you that kick of crunchy exterior.  The inherent sweetness of the flakes adds a really interesting component not found in regular breading.  Serve with interesting dips or creamy sauces likes guacamole and it's just...WaBAM.  

Also, it's super easy and super fast.


1 lb. chicken tenders
1/2 cup shredded UNSWEETENED coconut flakes
pinch of salt
1 egg
2 tbsp coconut oil


Heat coconut oil over medium heat.  Pat chicken dry, dip into egg mixture and roll in coconut flakes with salt until coated.  Cook a few minutes per side until done.  


I didn't have eggs around, so I just used extra virgin olive oil as the sticky element and it worked fine.  

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