Sunday, August 18, 2013

"Firecracker" Chicken

I'm not sure if there's a more official/ethnic name for this dish.  The literal description would probably have something to do with little spicy chicken dumplings.  Anyway, I thought it was worth a try, something a little different.  Sure, there's not really much wrong with just sauteed chicken with no cornstarch/flour and egg coating, but all I actually had to buy was the chicken.

The Recipe

2 lbs boneless, skinless chicken breast
1 cup cornstarch (possible substitution: flour)
2 eggs, beaten

for sauce
1/3 cup hot sauce
1 cup brown sugar (!)
1 tbsp water
2 tsp apple cider vinegar
sprinkle of salt

rice (optional)

Cut the chicken into 1" pieces.  Season with salt and pepper, toss in a plastic bag with the cornstarch/flour, and dip in the egg.  Cook a couple minutes per side in a well-oiled skillet to brown.  Then put in a layer in a baking dish.  Mix the sauce together and pour over the chicken.  Cook for an hour at 325 degrees, stirring up halfway through to re-coat.


Due to technical difficulties (i.e., dropped my phone), no picture.  Mine wasn't as gorgeously orange as the original website because of my Chipotle Tabasco sauce, but still pretty good, a distinctive way to do chicken.  A little messy...

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