Friday, January 2, 2015

Salmon en Cocotte

New tool in the kitchen arsenal: a (Martha-approved!) dutch oven.  There's a whole new set of recipes that have been waiting for this moment.  First one courtesy of Cooks Illustrated:


1 1/2 to 2 lb skinless salmon fillet, divided into about 4 equally-sized portions, seasoned with salt & pepper
2 tbsp olive oil
2 leeks, white and light green parts only, halved lengthwise, sliced thin
2 sprigs fresh thyme
2 ribs celery, sliced thin
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 tsp orange zest
1/2 c orange juice (I squeezed two oranges instead of using bottled OJ)
1 orange, peeled and segmented
2 tbsp butter
salt & pepper

Heat the oil in a dutch oven over medium-low heat and saute the leek, thyme, and a pinch of salt, about 8-10 minutes.  Stir in the garlic, celery, and orange zest, cook briefly, and remove from heat.  Lay the salmon skin-side down, cover, and cook at 250 for about 25-30 minutes.  Remove the salmon, then stir the OJ into the leeks etc.  Simmer over medium-high for a couple minutes until thickened.  Remove from heat and stir in the butter and orange slices,  Pour sauce over the salmon and serve/eat.


The salmon on its own is nothing special, just cooked on low heat with basic seasonings.  The sauce is incredible though.  It's sweet (orange) and savory (leek); the butter also adds some important richness.

This is actually the more elaborate version of the recipe.  The basic version has no orange, and white wine instead of OJ.

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