Sunday, May 8, 2016

Pancakes Part III: Cornmeal

After a kitchen mishap (mostly my own fault but a little on a poorly-designed cornmeal container too), I have a Ziploc bag of cornmeal to kill.  Google furnished an array of pancake recipes, varying in cornmeal-flour ratio and other ingredients.  Tough to choose on a sleepy and hungry weekend morning!  I went with this.


1/3 c flour
3/4 tsp baking soda
1 1/8 c cornmeal
1 egg
1 1/8 c buttermilk
1 tsp vanilla
sugar, cinnamon (optional)

Whisk together your dry ingredients, then your wet ingredients, then together.  Cook scoops of up to about 1/4 c in a hot pan.


What's with the 1/8 c increments?  Sadly, it seemed to be a feature of all of the recipes I found.  This one included some extra flavors like vanilla and cinnamon.  The key takeaway seems to be that the breakdown of ingredients is not set in stone, and you can vary as you like.  As for the cornmeal pancake concept overall?  The big difference is definitely texture, with more crunch than the other options.  Mine were a bit bland on their own, really needed some syrup.  Good one to keep in mind though!

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