Tuesday, August 9, 2016

One-Pot Pasta Primavera

That one pot is pulling its weight these days...  Here's the next episode of one-pot preparations, plus the latest Meatless Monday.  Original recipe here.


4 c vegetable broth
1/2 lb linguine
1 onion, sliced
1 lb broccoli florets
1 1/2 lbs asparagus, tough ends snapped off, cut into 1-2" pieces
4 oz mushrooms, sliced
4 cloves garlic, minced
3/4 c frozen peas
1/4 c heavy cream
parsley, Parmesan cheese, lemon zest
olive oil, crushed red pepper, salt & pepper

Add the broth, pasta, onion, broccoli, asparagus, shrooms, garlic, red pepper flakes, salt & pepper to your (one) pot, and drizzle over some olive oil.  Bring to a boil; once it's there, cook 7 or so minutes, tossing with tongs.  Add the peas, cream, parsley, Parm, and lemon zest, and cook another couple minutes, until everything is basically done.  Let cool and thicken, then serve!


That's a long list of ingredients, but it probably works as a choose-your-own-vegetarian-adventure - however much you feel like chopping and tossing in a pot of whatever plants and fungi you have lying around.  Really good!  I about two-thirded things, which left me with more liquid than I expected.  The broth was delicious, though!  I didn't bother with cream, just added a splash of milk (and tons of cheese) for that dairy goodness.  Almost as good as porky ramen broth...

One-Pot Chicken & Rice

Kicking off something of a one-pot cooking theme...  I don't usually think of the New York Times' Cooking section first for easy recipes, but this one hits a nice balance.


1 onion, sliced
1+ lbs chicken (skinless)
3/4 c white rice
olive oil, salt & pepper
extras: saffron, parsley, cilantro, lemon/lime
optional: chicken sausage!

Start to boil 1 1/2 c water, and heat some olive oil medium-high in a skillet.  Cook your onions with some salt & pepper until soft and translucent.  Add the rice and stir until coated in oil.  (Stir in saffron if you're fancy like that.)  Nestle in your chicken, add the boiling water, and cover.  Simmer about 20 minutes, until the chicken is cooked through (very important), rice is soft (somewhat important), and the water has been absorbed/boiled away (not very important).  Garnish and serve!


Aside from saffron, it's got super simple, straightforward ingredients - and not many!  Not a lot of prep either - just slicing the onion.  I used boneless, skinless thighs, just plopped in whole.  I also added a sprinkle of frozen veggies to round out the food groups.  Fast, easy, not Halal Guys but still tasty!

I didn't get the ratio of liquids quite right so it didn't come out as picturesque as NYT's, but will definitely try again and update with visuals if I do better!