Sunday, September 17, 2017

Stir Fry Mix & Match

Keeping with the formulaic recipes, had to share this!


So you pick your protein, vegetables, sauce, and other stuff like aromatics and garnish - your own or the suggestions provided.

Salt and pepper up your protein and start it in your wok with a tbsp or 2 of oil - let it sit for a couple minutes before you stir to coat.  You want it golden brown, doesn't have to be cooked through, then remove it.  Add another tbsp or so of oil (you can wipe out the wok first), and cook the aromatics and then vegetables next.  Add back in the protein, and create space in the center for your sauce.  Let it darken, then stir and finish.


I started with the Orange Scallion Tilapia - tilapia (duh), bok choy, orange-ginger sauce, etc.  Didn't get the tilapia as crispy as I might have liked, but it ended up with a ton of flavor anyway!  Lots more to try, including vegetarian...

not the best pic - thought I took a much nicer one in the bowl but I guess not...

Friday, September 15, 2017

Roast Chicken

This is kind of straightforward and not too formulaic, but since the NYT Cooking site is pretty inconsistent letting non-payers into the recipe I wanted to record things here...


Brine your chicken
For a 3-4 lb bird, use a tsp or 2 of salt, along with other delicious stuff: pepper, paprika, cayenne, garlic, lemon zest, whatever.  Rub it over the chicken, inside and out.  Let it sit for at least an hour, but up to a full day.  You may want to prop it up on something so the moisture doesn't collect in the bottom of the vessel and negate your dry brining efforts...

Once you're ready to cook, a roasting pan with a rack may be best - but in general you want something that elevates the bird and lets heat flow around and under.  Not having the recommended dishware, I've used a baking dish with a later of potatoes, onions, etc.  Pop it in the oven at 450 degrees, 45 minutes to an hour and a half.  It's done when the interior temperature is 165 degrees, you can cut into the thigh and see no more red flesh, and the juices run clear.


Comes out looking and tasting pretty awesome.  Picture next time!

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Tofu Pesto Pasta

Getting back into Veggie Monday and finding new recipes to try out.  This one looked promising...


1 lb pasta (tricolor spiral recommended)
1 lb tofu, drained and cubed
1 lb mushrooms, coarsely chopped
1 c black olives, sliced
1 tbsp capers
1/4 c grated Parmesan
1 sprig basil

Pesto (if not using pre-made)
1/4 c olive oil
2 c milk
1 oz pesto paste

Start your pasta water (and blend the pesto if you're doing it).  Heat 2 tbsp of olive oil at medium.  Add the tofu, season with salt & pepper, and brown evenly.  Remove the tofu, and add the mushrooms for about 5 minutes.  Then stir in the olives, capers, some of the Parmesan, then the pesto and tofu.  Serve over the pasta with basil.


This was actually a lot easier to prepare than I thought - took (much) longer to boil the water for a big batch of pasta than it did to chop everything.  Lots of good flavors between the pesto, 'shrooms, olives, and capers - no problem eating enough to fill up!