Saturday, January 5, 2013

Pan-Fried Sole

After a few disappointing recent spins with Rachel Ray, it was time to turn back to my Gwyneth Paltrow cookbook.  Classy lady that she is, she calls this recipe "sole a la grenobloise."  I'm not a fan of snooty French names, especially for a recipe that doesn't call for anything out of the ordinary.  "Pan-fried sole with lemon-butter-caper sauce" is a bit wordy, though...

The Recipe

4 fillets sole (skinless)
1/2 cup milk
1 cup flour
1/4 cup olive oil
4 tbsp butter
2 tbsp capers
1 lemon, skin & rind removed and cut into thin circles
salt & pepper

Heat the oil and 2 tbsp butter over medium high in a skillet.  Put the milk in a small, shallow bowl, and the flour in another with some salt and pepper added.  Dip the fish in the milk and dredge lightly through the flour, then place in the skillet.  Cook for a couple minutes each side, until golden brown and cooked through.  Remove to a serving plate.

While the fish is cooking, heat 2 tbsp butter in another skillet, then swirl in the capers.  Remove from heat and add lemon.  Once the fish is done, pour the sauce over and eat.


My first attempt was near-disastrous.  Neither nearby grocer had sole, so I ended up with perch.  It had skin that I left on, which curled up the fillets in the pan.  On top of that, I took a slice out of two fingers instead of the old lemon I was working on.  It still turned out to be a pretty solid, tasty meal, even eaten with one hand...  Definitely worth another try, and I'll get a good pic of the real fish, done properly, without worrying about bleeding over my phone.

Update: And here it is, blood-free!

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