Sunday, April 13, 2014

Pickled Snap Peas

It looks like most of my recent posts have been more side dishes, since by this point I've got a lot of my favorite entrees well established (and the Washington Ave. Key Foods doesn't have the most interesting meat cooler, bless its heart).  This one can be more of a snack - or even garnish - but it's definitely worth investing a little time in a batch you can keep around for a little while.  I've never been a big pickle fan, but more bite-size snap peas work for me!


1 lb snap peas
1 1/4 c vinegar
1 1/4 c water
1 tbsp salt
1 tbsp sugar
4 cloves garlic, sliced
1-2 small chile peppers

Boil the vinegar, water, salt, and sugar until it's dissolved, then let cool.  Clean the snap peas, put them in a jar with the garlic and peppers, and pour the liquid over.  Let sit for a couple weeks.


Based on what was around, I used apple cider vinegar, (a lot of) honey, and jalapenos.  Also, I used a Ziploc bag instead of a jar because I'm extra classy.  I'm honestly not sure how much control the add-ins give you over the flavor, ultimately, but I did feel like I got a hint of honey sweetness.  Good stuff, might have to get a jar if I want to have these on hand regularly.

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