Sunday, April 20, 2014

Sweet Potato & Apple

Sweet potatoes are great, lots of good ways to cook 'em.  I thought this recipe was worth trying:


1 sweet potato
1 apple
1/4 c vegetable stock

Slice the sweet potato and apple into thin semicircles.  Heat some butter and saute the sweet potato slices for a few minutes.  Then add the apple slices for another minute or two.  Pour in the stock, cover, and steam for a few minutes, until the liquid has mostly evaporated (and the sweet potatoes are soft).


I tried this one first as per the original recipe - with apple juice instead of vegetable stock - and it was way too sweet.  I wanted to try again with a more savory direction (including a chopped onion) and it was better.  But still not as good as hash or fries...

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