Friday, February 13, 2015

Beef & Mushroom Soup etc.

Here's a handy (sorry CI editing staff) soup infographic.  It's a simple formula:
  1. Aromatics: onion, shallot, leek
  2. Protein: beef, chicken, tofu, beans, peanut butter (!)
  3. Spices
  4. Liquid: various broths & stocks
  5. Veggies (loosely defined): peppers, mushrooms, sweet potato
  6. Garnish
 Here's the first one I wanted to try:

  1. 1 onion, chopped
  2. 1/2 lb ground beef
  3. 1 tsp fresh thyme, minced
  4. 4-6 c mushroom broth
  5. 1 lb mushrooms, sliced
  6. tarragon, sour cream
oil, salt & pepper

Saute the onion, then add in the meat, mushrooms, and spices.  Add in the broth and simmer 20-30 minutes.  Garnish and serve.


This is all approximate enough.  The recipe calls for 1/4 lb of ground beef, which I doubled (and could have done more, honestly).  I also reduced the liquid down to one box of broth (4 c).  They also seem to claim you just simmer the meat and mushrooms, but I browned/sauteed it a bit first to be safe.  Then I forgot the sour cream.  Typical.  Anyway, this is a very tasty, earthy soup, good for a cold winter night.  It could use a starch - not one of their categories, not sure if Shape is paleo, Atkins or what - but noodles or rice would help make it filling.

Postscript: Yeah, finished the leftovers with some egg noodles and sour cream (remembered this time).  Gives it some solid bulk...

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