Monday, January 15, 2018

Pancakes V: Yogurt

Another variation on the pancake theme - had a tub of yogurt that was probably nearing its expiration and a quick Google search showed that this is actually a thing:


1 c flour
1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 egg
1 c yogurt
1/4 c water

Combine dries, then wets, then together.  Scoop by quarter cups or so onto your griddle (or cast iron skillet) and cook until they bubble, then flip and cook till golden brown.


So my morning reading comprehension or math was not up to snuff and I only used half the prescribed yogurt (was pretty much all I had left anyway).  That left my batter way too dry, so I added some extra water and milk.  All of that to say, didn't come out great, not picture worthy, but still tasty and worth trying again soon...

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