Monday, October 29, 2012

Swiss Chard with Bacon & Raisins

As I write this, Hurricane Sandy is bearing down on the Atlantic seaboard.  Luckily I'd braved the ridiculous Morton Williams line situation yesterday, as hundreds of New Yorkers scrambled to make what was probably their first grocery run in months.  Amateurs ;)  With a little planning, though, I'm ready to eat well for the next few days.  Assuming the power stays on, otherwise all bets are off...

Who better to wait out the storm with than Rachel Ray?  I dogeared this one in her book since Swiss chard is apparently a pretty healthy fall-seasonal vegetable, and it's got fruit and meat too!

The Recipe

1/8 pound pancetta or bacon (two slices, which I obviously doubled), chopped
1 small onion, chopped
1+ pound Swiss chard, stems removed and chopped (um, now re-reading it calls for red Swiss chard? oops!)
1/4 cup golden raisins
1 container (14 oz) chicken broth
1/8 teaspoon nutmeg

It all proceeds pretty logically: Heat the pancetta/bacon in a pan with olive oil, add onions and cook until bacon is crispy and onions are soft (funny how that works).  Then add the chard in bunches until it wilts.  Stir in the raisins and add the broth (and nutmeg if you've got it).  Boil the liquid and simmer until greens are soft and no longer bitter, about 10 to 15 minutes.


So I already posted some notes above.  Just by doing a Google image search, I don't think red chard makes a big difference, which is reassuring.  In fact, it looks like the main difference is in the stem color, which mostly doesn't make it into the dish anyway.  I also neglected to pick up broth of any kind in my last-minute preparations, so I subbed in salt water with a splash of whiskey as per wise, wise Internet folks.  The final product was salty but still very tasty!

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