Thursday, October 18, 2012

Tuna Marinara with Ravioli

Speaking of "domestic goddesses," how about Rachel Ray?  On a whim, I dug back into one of her 30-minute meals cookbooks for this recipe.  More to come...  Anyway, I subtitle this one "dinner from cans."

1 package (12-16 oz) ravioli
1 can (6 oz) tuna
3 cloves garlic, minced
1/4 onion, finely chopped
3-4 tbsp olives, chopped
1 can (15 oz) crushed tomatoes
parsley &/or basil garnish

Cook the ravioli to al dente.  Meanwhile, heat a skillet (medium), add olive oil, then garlic, then tuna (drained).  Break up the tuna, then add the onion and cook for 3-5 minutes.  Then add olives and tomatoes and simmer for a few minutes.  By now, the ravioli should be done; in it goes.  Mix, garnish and serve.

When I think of it, I try not to over-season dishes.  This one, I dunno, maybe was missing a little something?  So next time I'd add a little more salt and pepper at key moments.  Otherwise, there's a decent bit of chopping to get started, but Rachel probably has the timing about right.

1 comment:

  1. GWYNETH COULD KICK RACHEL'S ASS!!! But wow, looks good...
