Sunday, June 28, 2020

Vegan Avocado Mac & Cheese

In these vegan-y days, still figuring out how to find some old favorites.  Pizza's a struggle; mac & cheese does give a bit more in terms of options though.  After trying this one out, wanted to give another one a shot!


1 large ripe avocado (or 2 small ones)
1 lemon, juiced
1 c basil leaves (loosely packed)
1/4 c cilantro
1 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp smoked paprika
4-6 tbsp nutritional yeast (so, 6)
1/2 c + 1 1/4 c almond or other non-dairy milk
10-12 oz pasta
4 cloves garlic, minced
3 tbsp flour

  • Get the pasta cooking
  • Blend together the avocado, lemon juice, basil, cilantro, spices, nutritional yeast, and 1/2 c almond milk, plus a little salt
  • Saute the garlic in some olive oil, then whisk in the flour, then slowly add the 1 1/4 c almond milk.
  • Once the sauce thickens, remove from heat and mix in the avocado sauce.
  • Pour over the pasta (cooked and drained) and eat!
  • Top with more avocado, tomatoes, vegan cheese, etc.

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